Spinland Saga : The Princess Abduction : Issue 1 Paperback

by Nishchit Kulabkar (Author), Rahul Pereira (Editor), Rahul Adarkar (Illustrator)
Delivery date: 1 week
  • Reading level: 12.00+ years
  • Paperback: 32 pages
  • Publisher: Stargrid Studios (2016)


Spinland Saga is an action-packed, ALL original Indian ongoing comic series. The story of Spinland Saga is about a place on the planet Zoi in a faraway galaxy named Spectra. The planet is habituated by Hu-tops, having upper body of a human and lower portion of a top. Peiraeus, the evil God, wants to be the first ruler of Spinland. In his lust for power, he commits terrible crimes against the society but whenever such crimes are committed; destiny awaits a true and fearless voice against the atrocity. She finds that voice in Han-hai, a simple yet courageous person, who leads the fight against the tyranny of Peiraeus. Spinland Saga, a story of shear will, courage, power struggle, love but more importantly a story about clash of choices!

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